Welcome to Amplify & Ignite 2025

Thank you to our generous Donors -
Emerson College:
  • Academic Affairs
  • School of the Arts
  • Social Justice Collaborative
  • Department of Performing Arts 
  • Graduate Studies
  • Elma Lewis Center
  • Theatre Education Graduate Association
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Create your personalized schedule or click HERE to be directed back to the 2025 homepage.

If you wish to purchase a ticket to our Saturday Evening Events (Limited Tickets Available!): CLICK HERE

Sustainability Invitation
Emerson Sustainability is currently preparing for the annual Campus Race to Zero Waste competition that runs from February through the end of March. It’s a friendly competition between universities in North America to reduce waste on campuses and raise awareness about waste-related behaviors. In celebration of Campus Race to Zero Waste, we are participating in the Green Event Certification program and we hope you will join us in this challenge. In advance of your travel to Boston, we encourage you to bring a reusable water bottle and/or hot thermos and utensils to reduce the need for single use products.

Amplify & Ignite: Creative Practice in and With Communities

As we face an uncertain world with stark divisions and ruptures, what is our role as artists, educators, and scholars working with and across our multiple communities? How can and do the performing arts amplify community concerns, connections, and celebrations? What wisdom can be gleaned from the cultural brilliance at work and at play in our kitchens and backyards, subways and street corners, community centers and dance parties, classrooms and schoolyards? How can we center arts and culture in movements for local and global change? And what can we learn from sharing our questions, practices, and strategies while reflecting on our beautiful failures and inspiring successes? Join us at Emerson College in Boston for three days of workshops, panel discussions, presentations, working groups, and (most importantly!) dialogue about our questions, curiosities, and work at the intersection of performance, community building, education and justice. This intimate gathering of approximately 65 people will afford us the unique opportunity to foster long-term relationships while building our community of practice together. 

  • For questions, please contact Alexis Truitt at alexis@aate.com.
  • To purchase Saturday evening extras (Limited Tickets Available!), please go HERE.

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