About me
Amy Petersen Jensen is a Theatre and Media Arts Professor. She currently serves as Associate Dean of Faculty Development and Research in the College of Fine Arts and Communications. Prior to serving as Associate Dean, Amy was the Department Chair in the Theatre and Media Arts Department. Amy has also served as the Executive Producer of the BYU BRAVO Professional Performing Arts Series. Amy writes about arts education and literacies as well as the intersections between digital media, live performance, and youth. She is the author or co-author of three books including Arts Education and Literacies (Published in the Routledge Research and Literacy Series). She has served as the founding co-editor of the Journal of Media Literacy Education, the General Editor for the Youth Theatre Journal, and on the academic advisory board of the Arts Education Policy Review. She was on the national leadership team for the development of the National Core Arts Standards. She has also served on the board of directors for the National Association for Media Literacy Education, the American Alliance for Theatre and Education, and as a member of College Board's Academic Assembly Council and the chair of their Arts Advisory Council where she consulted on the development of Advanced Placement Arts courses and other arts initiatives.