Welcome to Amplify & Ignite 2025

Thank you to our generous Donors -
Emerson College:
  • Academic Affairs
  • School of the Arts
  • Social Justice Collaborative
  • Department of Performing Arts 
  • Graduate Studies
  • Elma Lewis Center
  • Theatre Education Graduate Association
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If you wish to purchase a ticket to our Saturday Evening Events (Limited Tickets Available!): CLICK HERE

Sustainability Invitation
Emerson Sustainability is currently preparing for the annual Campus Race to Zero Waste competition that runs from February through the end of March. It’s a friendly competition between universities in North America to reduce waste on campuses and raise awareness about waste-related behaviors. In celebration of Campus Race to Zero Waste, we are participating in the Green Event Certification program and we hope you will join us in this challenge. In advance of your travel to Boston, we encourage you to bring a reusable water bottle and/or hot thermos and utensils to reduce the need for single use products.
Saturday March 22, 2025 9:15am - 10:30am EDT
Hey you, yes You, watching Netflix, while scrolling through Insta, and checking your email, no worries; I do it too! You are invited to Laying Labyrinths: A Living Performance. A space to practice gathering. A place to participate in reconnecting to yourself, the earth, and the community we create. We will circle up, play, walk, dream, and remember how interconnected we are to everything! Laying Labyrinths is a participatory living performance in which the audience/ community that gathers will be invited to witness and play with the interconnections between ourselves, each other, and the earth. We will lay an ephemeral labyrinth together in collaboration with the space. That is the hope for each performance: that the community looks across the circle, sees each other, feels their feet on the earth, lays a labyrinth on top of it, and walks it together. As we re-emerged from the Pandemic, I found a deep desire to return and remember theatre's roots and connect back to the earth. From this desire, and my graduate research around improvisation, chaos and living systems theories, this performance was born. It is a space to practice gathering and activating communities.

Eva Farrell

For over a decade, I have taught theatre and produced newly devised shows with youth and communities from pre-school to professionals. I have come to know that communities instinctually know what they want to see and work on artistically and often times we have to remove some daily... Read More →
Saturday March 22, 2025 9:15am - 10:30am EDT
Black Box

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